Steve Taylor, PhD, is the author of Extraordinary Awakenings and many other bestselling books. He is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University and the chair of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. Steve’s articles and essays have been published in over 100 academic journals, magazines, and newspapers, and he blogs for Scientific American and Psychology Today. For 15 years Steve has been researching cases of spontaneous spiritual awakening triggered by intense psychological turmoil. In times of intense stress, a miraculous transformation sometimes occurs: the death of an old identity and the birth of a new, spiritually awakened self. He explains why intense suffering can lead to spiritual growth.

He offers insights from his research, along with actionable principles that we can apply to our own spiritual development.

Whether or not turmoil leads to a breakthrough depends on a person’s attitude towards their predicament
If bitterness and resentment, the trauma is just suffering
But if you face reality, then embrace and accept it, it can lead to breakthrough
Particular experiences have the potential to awaken you
Bereavement often gives rise to transformation
Four different areas in which our awareness expands during a spiritual awakening
Four-step process of responding to suffering and turmoil to help harness their transformational power
Going into our own inner space 
Collective trauma 

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