Rick Leskowitz MD is a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School’s Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. He is an expert on phantom limb pain as well as how energy and consciousness affect sports performance. In this conversation, Rick and Dawson discuss the role of energy fields in both individual and global healing. Coherent personal energy facilitates healing, while large-scale energy fields are implicated in events involving entire communities.

Among the topics Rick and Dawson cover are: 

Our energy fields have boundaries; and we can sense their edges.
Physical trauma produces emotional wounding, and this is rarely addressed by doctors.
EFT is a great way to release grief and pain.
The energy of enthusiastic sports fans is measurable.
Athletes know the energy of being in the "zone".
Sports is a powerful path to transformation.
Like magnets, energy fields don’t have to touch to interact.
When heart and brain are in coherence, they entrain others nearby.
The phenomenon of group consciousness can be as large as an entire nation.
The Global Consciousness Project: using a network of computers to monitor worldwide shifts.

Rick can be reached at: http://sportsenergygroup.com/

Dawson can be reached at: http://dawsongift.com/


Note this episode was recorded originally live for HealthyLife.net on April 6, 2017.

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