Charles and Carol Crenshaw are the authors of EFT for Meditation. Longtime meditators, they show how to apply EFT to the different styles of meditation. Beginning meditators often find it hard to still the body and quiet the mind. EFT stress-reduction methods help with both. Charles and Carol show how to use EFT to overcome resistance to meditation and discover the point of inner peace. Their book begins with a quick start guide that gives readers an immediate experience combining tapping with deep meditation. Dawson, Charles and Carol discuss the research using EEG, MRI and gene chips to measure the changes that happen in the bodies of meditators. In just a few weeks, the volume of tissue in the brain’s emotion-regulation circuits increases, while cancer and metabolism genes are regulated. Among the wide range of topics they cover are:

The commonality in all the many meditation traditions is the breath
Different forms of meditation: chanting, movement, visualization, mindfulness
Various learning styles: verbal, visual, auditory, kinesthetic
Meditation coordinates all the different channels of your physiology
When nothing seems to be happening during meditation
Starting with a few minutes a day
A system to be a successful meditator
Finding the time of day that works best for you to practice meditation
Learning to do what’s good for you long-term, elevating it above short-term feelings

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Note this episode was recorded originally live for on May 14, 2020. 

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