Pre Invasion Speculation Hey High Drag Listeners o/ Sometimes, RL can suck. In the past I’ve mentioned that I work for a public school district as…yes…a Head Custodian. Actually, it’s the main reason that I became active on the podcast. I’m sure you could ask Kyle and he’d confirm it. 😉 Why am I mentioning … Continue reading HD 97: Pre Invasion Speculation Invasion Speculation

Hey High Drag Listeners o/

Sometimes, RL can suck. In the past I’ve mentioned that I work for a public school district as…yes…a Head Custodian. Actually, it’s the main reason that I became active on the podcast. I’m sure you could ask Kyle and he’d confirm it. Why am I mentioning this? We are fast approaching the end of the school year and my time has become something of a premium. Needless to say, the back end post production work kept getting pushed back further and further until I realized that …damn, we’re recording tomorrow and I need to get this done. Sigh…

Episode 97 is the crew discussing the Triglavian Invasion. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s already here. But, at the time we were spitballing all the fun regarding the new T2 Trig ships, the Invasion and more precisely…

…the loot!

Hope you enjoy!

Panel members


Random McNally

Opus Magnum

Daehan Minhyuk