On this episode of Koji Conversations, Jack chats to Emma-Jane from DigitalAX.
Building an entire ecosystem for the nascent Web3 fashion industry is no small task, but Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee is on track to make it happen.
Her passion for the principles of transparency, provenance, and ownership that underpin blockchain technology are the driving force behind her approach. Leveraging the technology to truly decentralise the fashion industry and right the wrongs of the exploitative Web2 fashion model.
DigitalAX and Web3 fashion will empower creators along EVERY step of the supply chain, not just those at the top.
It will give a platform not just for big brands, but indie designers to thrive and generate value for themselves and their community.
Unlike the Web2 model, Web3 designers, creators, buyers, and collectors will earn from what they own.
Emma-Jane is truly a pioneer in this space, grounded by her belief in the power of blockchain technology, and how leveraging it can create a truly decentralised, democratic, and prosperous fashion industry.
02:14 - Just to start off with, DigitalAX, let's get the elevator pitch.. how would you pitch it in about one to two minutes?
05:46 - Would you be able to describe what the difference is between an open and closed metaverse and where you and DigitalAX, and web3 fashion sits in that whole ecosystem?
09:29 - What role does fashion play in society and with the introduction of this digital realm how does that transition into web3 fashion? and then going into what you're building at Digital AX?
14:03 - There are a couple of things that you're doing in particular that are super interesting that are pushing that web3 narrative. One is the fractional garment ownership, I think that's awesome. And the second one is this dash file format. It would be awesome to go into these and get the high-level mental model that you have in both of those industries and where you're trying to push them.
14:35 - Starting off with fractional garment ownership, instead of having one designer design this full fashion item and then having no secondary market sales or revenue in perpetuity. How your marketplace is changing that and how different types of designers on different levels of the file format can come together using ERC1155's to create this ERC998 variant.
19:36 - It would be great for the listeners to understand what the current issue is with interoperability between different gaming engineers and then what you're doing to try and solve that issue.
25:25 The third layer you mentioned is this digital economy ecosystem and where Digital AX and everything that you're building is sitting inside this ecosystem, so I guess would you be able to describe what that is at a high level? and how DigitalAX is sitting within that ecosystem?
30:08 - Especially since the race is on like you said between the web 2 metaverse model and the web3 open metaverse model. So is that where you've been looking at recently and where is a lot of your attention to date with DigitalAX and where are you looking to innovate next?
33:06 - Say I'm not an artist, say I'm not a dev, say I don't really have any of those creative skillsets but I'm super interested in what you're building and I'm super interested in being involved, how would I do so?
35:43 - To finish it up and to close it out, what are the best contact points for you if there's a listener who is interested to dive deeper?
Join Jack for this Koji Conversation, with Emma-Jane from DigitalAX.
Join the Conversation:
Find Emma Twitter: @emmajane1313
Find DigitalAX on Twitter: @DIGITALAX_

Twitter: @koji_capital

Website: koji.capital

Email: [email protected]

Hosts: @Jack_Kji and @David_Kji

Discord: https://discord.gg/PSxw3r93

It's important to remember that none of the contents of this podcast or the podcast itself constitutes any kind of investment advice.

On this episode of Koji Conversations, Jack chats to Emma-Jane from DigitalAX.

Building an entire ecosystem for the nascent Web3 fashion industry is no small task, but Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee is on track to make it happen.

Her passion for the principles of transparency, provenance, and ownership that underpin blockchain technology are the driving force behind her approach. Leveraging the technology to truly decentralise the fashion industry and right the wrongs of the exploitative Web2 fashion model.

DigitalAX and Web3 fashion will empower creators along EVERY step of the supply chain, not just those at the top.

It will give a platform not just for big brands, but indie designers to thrive and generate value for themselves and their community.

Unlike the Web2 model, Web3 designers, creators, buyers, and collectors will earn from what they own.

Emma-Jane is truly a pioneer in this space, grounded by her belief in the power of blockchain technology, and how leveraging it can create a truly decentralised, democratic, and prosperous fashion industry.

02:14 - Just to start off with, DigitalAX, let's get the elevator pitch.. how would you pitch it in about one to two minutes?

05:46 - Would you be able to describe what the difference is between an open and closed metaverse and where you and DigitalAX, and web3 fashion sits in that whole ecosystem?

09:29 - What role does fashion play in society and with the introduction of this digital realm how does that transition into web3 fashion? and then going into what you're building at Digital AX?

14:03 - There are a couple of things that you're doing in particular that are super interesting that are pushing that web3 narrative. One is the fractional garment ownership, I think that's awesome. And the second one is this dash file format. It would be awesome to go into these and get the high-level mental model that you have in both of those industries and where you're trying to push them.

14:35 - Starting off with fractional garment ownership, instead of having one designer design this full fashion item and then having no secondary market sales or revenue in perpetuity. How your marketplace is changing that and how different types of designers on different levels of the file format can come together using ERC1155's to create this ERC998 variant.

19:36 - It would be great for the listeners to understand what the current issue is with interoperability between different gaming engineers and then what you're doing to try and solve that issue.

25:25 The third layer you mentioned is this digital economy ecosystem and where Digital AX and everything that you're building is sitting inside this ecosystem, so I guess would you be able to describe what that is at a high level? and how DigitalAX is sitting within that ecosystem?

30:08 - Especially since the race is on like you said between the web 2 metaverse model and the web3 open metaverse model. So is that where you've been looking at recently and where is a lot of your attention to date with DigitalAX and where are you looking to innovate next?

33:06 - Say I'm not an artist, say I'm not a dev, say I don't really have any of those creative skillsets but I'm super interested in what you're building and I'm super interested in being involved, how would I do so?

35:43 - To finish it up and to close it out, what are the best contact points for you if there's a listener who is interested to dive deeper?

Join Jack for this Koji Conversation, with Emma-Jane from DigitalAX.

Join the Conversation:

Find Emma Twitter: @emmajane1313

Find DigitalAX on Twitter: @DIGITALAX_

Twitter: @koji_capital

Website: koji.capital

Email: [email protected]

Hosts: @Jack_Kji and @David_Kji

Discord: https://discord.gg/PSxw3r93

It's important to remember that none of the contents of this podcast or the podcast itself constitutes any kind of investment advice.