I met Chelsey during a happy hour full of us run-of-the-mill
accountants but it was clear she was anything but ordinary.
Starting out with little more than a blog, Instagram account, and
her tiny New York kitchen, she now fields dozens of orders for her
insane specialty cakes, has thousands of Instagram followers, and
has been featured on Food Network's Snapchat account. Aside from a
day job and baking, Chelsey somehow manages to find the time (and
energy) to train and compete in half marathons and Ironman
competitions. This was a really refreshing episode to record due to
Chelsey's simple and easygoing approach to baking (and life in
general). If you've always been intimated by the deadly combination
of flour, salt, water, and your oven...not to mention never having
enough time...this episode is a must!

We talk about:

- how she taught herself how to bake

- what the most important baking skill is

- growing an social media presence

- on balance, taking breaks, and maintaining the love for a side
hustle without wanting it to be your full time gig