This is the first episode for Hidden Apron Radio and is the result of many attempts to try and tell the rich stories that people have shared with us since we've begun our food-filled journey. Rather than attempting to summarize it into the written word, we wanted to let them speak directly to you via this podcast. You'll get the chance to hear from a broad range of people: grizzled veterans, caterers, bloggers, farmers, restaurateurs, and regular home cooks. They'll cover everything from quick kitchen tips and tricks, advice on running a side hustle, the cultural aspects of food, behind-the-scenes (or kitchen?) sentiments on how our food gets to our plate, and many more gustatory topics.

For this first episode, I’ll quickly summarize why we decide to start this podcast and what we’d like to see out of it: more appreciation for the food we eat and for everyone in the world to feel confident in becoming chefs in their own right. Think of this as setting the stage and guiding all our future episodes.

More information can be found at