Join me as I discuss a pedo creeper high school teacher knows me and panics were had that day PRANK. An old lady thinks the cat has her wifi. I was an officer and I asked a lady to trim her trees so the school busses could get through her neighborhood, I though she was crazy talking about the price of rice in china and my dad had to explain the saying to me. Imagine a subway car full of cynical New Yorkers going to Brooklyn and being told they are all going to Hell… Do you get carsick? Same. What happens when a family packs into a small car, someone cracks a joke and has an asthma attack, ending in us all being naked covered with puke. Good times. I’ve thrown up on 3 first dates, trust me I know. I was a 38 week pregnant mother of a 22 month old, we are in the hot tub and my daughter inhaled water and started puking her breakfast up all over me, but because I have lightning quick reflexes- I caught it. My husband jumps out of the hot tub and throws up into the kiddie pool- but that’s not all. He threw up like 9 times in a row, then my dogs decide to feast… on the puke. I’m laughing my ass off, peeing myself… the laughs literally never end.


Content warning: The audio is shit, but give me a chance…. Audio quality is way better starting at Episode 6, so if you can’t stand the bumpy audio- skip to it. I discuss Vomit and adult pranks.




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Committed to the prank 

Reddit user: dbaker102194

Cat has Wi-Fi 

Reddit user: eltuxedomex

The price of rice in China 


I thought this was going to Harlem

Reddit user: Mandinder

I laugh 

Author:William Flaherty

Yours truly