On this episode we discuss Paypal. Bruce gets his skittles. Mike ask about moving Documents. Sandisk tiny drive.  Hackers steal info from IRS. Question from David on Wifi Extenders. Question from Nick – Which Apple Computer should I buy? Apple firmware bug and Apple Maps Vans seen in US. Macrumors buyers guide. Windows 10 the […]

On this episode we discuss Paypal. Bruce gets his skittles. Mike ask about moving Documents. Sandisk tiny drive.  Hackers steal info from IRS. Question from David on Wifi Extenders. Question from Nick – Which Apple Computer should I buy? Apple firmware bug and Apple Maps Vans seen in US. Macrumors buyers guide. Windows 10 the good and bad. Cortana on iOS and Android. The Guru and Michael discuss WWDC rumors. Cutting the cable. Googles’ project vault. Bruce and Google Photos then jumps to ISIS and dark space. Overclocked stack. And much more.