On this weeks episode while Michael is away Rhyming  Rex joins the discussions with Bruce and The Guru. First up E3. Michael checks in and continues the discussion on VR and AR lenses as well as takes a question from Hope about the Apple Watch. David inquires our opinion about new laptops, HP love it or […]

On this weeks episode while Michael is away Rhyming  Rex joins the discussions with Bruce and The Guru. First up E3. Michael checks in and continues the discussion on VR and AR lenses as well as takes a question from Hope about the Apple Watch. David inquires our opinion about new laptops, HP love it or hate it. Bruce adds in anti-virus and a security flaw in Samsung devices as well as an OS X and iOS keychain flaw. A lastpass breach, should you consider other master password services. Why is there and Arabic tweet on our twitter feed? Modular cell Phones and which major carrier will cut out subsidized phones first. Bruce leads us down a winding road about fast charging EV’s. SourceForg everyone is jumping ship. On this Day in Tech History and much more.