On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce and The Guru discuss the upcoming show with guest James Spann. Cloud Tax Lawsuits. NYSE, WSJ, United Airlines issues on Wednesday. OPM Hack.  Windows 10 PIN Based Logins–Should you use it? Man Tracked down by a drone loaned by the Fire dept. MasterCard to use Selfies for online payments and overseas bank using Emojis. Blackberry […]

On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce and The Guru discuss the upcoming show with guest James Spann. Cloud Tax Lawsuits. NYSE, WSJ, United Airlines issues on Wednesday. OPM Hack.  Windows 10 PIN Based Logins–Should you use it? Man Tracked down by a drone loaned by the Fire dept. MasterCard to use Selfies for online payments and overseas bank using Emojis. Blackberry & Google with Enterprise Phone Partnerships. MS to lay off 7800 people. FBI director doesn’t think security is important? Screensaver’s not needed anymore?  A discussion on home security camera systems. Our rumors, OverClocked stack and so much more.