Show Notes- Michael, Bruce and The Guru have a packed show, we discuss Michael’s lizard story and Bruce’s getting a bathroom makeover. Firefox add-ons, Flash – security flash update, Verizon and AT&T with Bruce and Guru rants on the side. Bruce cuts more cords. Tesla discussion. Ransomeware, NFL/MBL to stream games, Tor browser – who […]

Show Notes-

Michael, Bruce and The Guru have a packed show, we discuss Michael’s lizard story and Bruce’s getting a bathroom makeover. Firefox add-ons, Flash – security flash update, Verizon and AT&T with Bruce and Guru rants on the side. Bruce cuts more cords. Tesla discussion. Ransomeware, NFL/MBL to stream games, Tor browser – who uses it most, IoT, Sanders “shopped” photo – Michael corrects himself. Huawei’s specs. Paying for hacks. Apple wants FBI to spill the beans. Norwegian Joy. This Week in Tech History, Hack of the Week, Overclocked Stack and a couple of picks plus much more.