Show notes – Michael, Bruce, and The Guru have a guest this week, Daniel Mathangani of Three Guys talking sports. He sits down with us to discuss the effects that Technology and specifically Social Media has on sports. Alpha Go wins but looses one match. Facebook falls short of Googles AI. Google challenges hackers […]

Show notes –

Michael, Bruce, and The Guru have a guest this week, Daniel Mathangani of Three Guys talking sports. He sits down with us to discuss the effects that Technology and specifically Social Media has on sports. Alpha Go wins but looses one match. Facebook falls short of Googles AI. Google challenges hackers to remote crack their Chrome book. BMI wants ESPN to pay.  Apple Ad with a beloved Monster. Woz on the Apple Watch. Nike has self lacing shoes. Bruce’s foot size. AT&T gets arbitration instead of class action, Bruce and The Guru not happy.  Our Top Caller Daniel calls about Oculus, VR Coaster. iCloud scam maybe worse than ransomware. Michael uses his Debit card at gas pumps and disappoints The Guru. Rumors, Hack of the week, This week in tech history, Overclocked Stack, and Michael’s Pick. Plus so much more.