Show notes – Michael, Bruce, and The Guru discuss NASA and supersonic flight. A Google car plays chicken with a bus. Netflix jumps to Amazon. Police UAV’s hackable. Apple vs the FBI. ABC News interview with Tim Cook. German court rules on FB. Teslacrypt and Alphacrypt, owner of SpyHunter sues A call from […]

Show notes –

Michael, Bruce, and The Guru discuss NASA and supersonic flight. A Google car plays chicken with a bus. Netflix jumps to Amazon. Police UAV’s hackable. Apple vs the FBI. ABC News interview with Tim Cook. German court rules on FB. Teslacrypt and Alphacrypt, owner of SpyHunter sues A call from listener Rover from Las Vegas. Linux Mint Hack. Maine Man Micah gives us a ring. Rumors, This Week in Tech History, Hack of the Week, Overclocked stack and much much more.