Show notes – On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce, and The Guru get a request from listener Jason for an update on Bruce’s phone experience. We discuss how to lower you cell bill.  Autonomous mail trucks. Tesla car. Google no more FLASHing in 2017. Win 10 news. Micah and Shaun give us some tech news. Netflix, […]

Show notes –

On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce, and The Guru get a request from listener Jason for an update on Bruce’s phone experience. We discuss how to lower you cell bill.  Autonomous mail trucks. Tesla car. Google no more FLASHing in 2017. Win 10 news. Micah and Shaun give us some tech news. Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, BBC and live events. Internet of things. Error 53 and Apples reasons. Rush is a techie too. Google gets a yellow light sorta.  Drone operators line up. Microsoft pens deal. Rumors, This week in Tech History, Hack of the week, Overclock stack and our picks. Get ready for a great show.