Show notes – On This Weeks episode Bruce and The Guru take over the show as Michael is away.  We discuss our upcoming shows and our on location episodes. New Star Trek show on CBS. CableOne to bring faster offering to customers. Malware, cameras, and botnet? Microsoft breaking promises and unlimited dreams. More of when […]

Show notes –

On This Weeks episode Bruce and The Guru take over the show as Michael is away.  We discuss our upcoming shows and our on location episodes. New Star Trek show on CBS. CableOne to bring faster offering to customers. Malware, cameras, and botnet? Microsoft breaking promises and unlimited dreams. More of when Bruce will get his new phone. Our Guest Rabbi Jason gets through to the show. We have a call Micah from Portland, Maine with a cell phone question. Rumors, This Week in Tech History and Overclocked Stack all make up a fabulous show.