Show Notes – Michael, Bruce and The Guru discuss NYT realtime Presidential Election results, Guru’s audio issue with Direct TV, Bruce on CyberBulling, Digital world leaves a trail, A Student turns down 100K, Michael on his first VEX competition as a Judge, MacBook complainers and sales, Surface Book vs MacBook,  Bruce’s frustration over Windows 10, […]

Show Notes –

Michael, Bruce and The Guru discuss NYT realtime Presidential Election results, Guru’s audio issue with Direct TV, Bruce on CyberBulling, Digital world leaves a trail, A Student turns down 100K, Michael on his first VEX competition as a Judge, MacBook complainers and sales, Surface Book vs MacBook,  Bruce’s frustration over Windows 10, Tesla Gigafactory,  plus Rumors, This week in tech history, and should we use Digital Voting only, Paper voting, or a little of both.