So this was the first time in 29 interviews that I had to do one by phone. I’ll be honest: it wasn’t great. The sound quality was poor and I don’t like not being able to see the person across from me. I’m not sure if I’m going to do this again, risk infection by venturing into the wild or just wait out the virus altogether. We will have to see.

This week’s interview is Taylor Duncan of Alternative Baseball. Taylor is a TEDx speaker and is on the autism spectrum. He is very high-functioning, however. This is in contrast to Dale Jackson’s son Collin, who was discussed in episode 18, who is non-verbal and low-functioning. Because autism is a spectrum you have a variety of abilities and capabilities on it.

Taylor started a baseball league for individuals that are differently abled because of his experiences being excluded from team sports.

He lives in Dallas, GA but has a grant to bring a team to LaGrange. That is what we discuss. Our interview ventures from who he is and what Alternative Baseball is all about, to the structure of the teams and their funding. We close with the usual random questions for fun.

Again, I apologize for the sound quality. I wanted to get this interview, but didn’t know when I’d be able to get it if I do it by phone now or in the near future


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