Griffin completed the FAA’s new free drone pilot course, and earned 93% on the exam. Turns out, it’s pretty easy to renew your Part 107 certification, through this new online method, introduced in April 2021.

Passing the FAA’s New Drone Pilot Test

Griffin completed the FAA’s new free drone pilot course, and earned 93% on the exam. Turns out, it’s pretty easy to renew your Part 107 certification, through this new online method, introduced in April 2021.

On April 6—following a month-long delay—the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) made it cheaper and easier for drone pilots to renew their 2-year Part 107 certifications. Previously, you'd pay around $160 at an in-person testing center to take the "Small UAS Recurrent" exam. 

Now it's a free online course and exam, available at 

The course name is a mouthful—ALC-677: Part 107 Small UAS Recurrent Non-Part 61 Pilots

"Part 107" — the name of the drone pilot certification

"Small UAS" = drones (unmanned aircraft system)

"Recurrent" — as in, only for existing certificate holders seeking renewal.

"Non-Part 61" — Because ALC-677 is a new test, not to be confused with ALC-515, which is only for airplane pilots (Part 61 certificate holders) to learn drone rules.

And although the FAA's new exam makes renewals easier for existing drone pilots (when their certifications lapse every 2 years) — new pilots must still pay for the "sUAS Initial" exam at an in-person testing center.

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