Today I am joined by my dear friend Paula DeLuise. Paula has had a successful dance career with roles ranging from Las Vegas, Feature Films and Broadway. She is also a business owner and new Mom, listen as she tells us about her journey and some struggles along the way. Also she talks about her experience working with Tony Award winner, Jerry Mitchell and Nick Kenkel on shows like Peepshow, Half Time and Broadway Bares. Paula is one of the most talented dancers I have ever worked with, it was such a pleasure to sit down with her for this interview. 

Paula DeLuise Instagram: @princesspoola
Paula Facebook: Here
The Best Day Ever Events Instagram: @thebestdayevereventsbypaula
The Best Day Ever Events FB: Here 
The Best Day Ever Events Website: Here 
Let's Flamingle Instagram: @letsflamingleballoons
Let's Flamingle FB: Here 

Bill Janisse Instagram: @billjanisse
Bill Janisse FB: Here 

Hey Gurl! Instagram: @heygurl.podcast
Hey Gurl! FB: Here 
Hey Gurl! Website: Here