00:06:38 DFB Pokal Loss
00:12:03 Bundesliga Season
00:19:28 How to Improve for Next Season
00:25:16 Highlight of the Bundesliga Season
00:33:32 Best Recruit of the Year
00:42:22 Player Exits at the Beginning
00:48:17 Player Exits in This Summer
01:01:43 #WhatAreWeDrinking
01:05:10 #EintrachtFrauen
01:12:57 Best Europa Memory - Minus the Win
01:18:53 Wrap up
01:21:36 Outro

Brian Sanders in Kansas City
Chris Monroe in Detroit
Brian Gilchriest in Houston
Nathan Kwarta in St. Louis

Produced by Nathan.

Find them and the show at @HEFPOD,@KCSGE, @CintheD313, @BrianGilchriest, & @najakwa