Hello Interwebians! We’re rocking 2012 with a birthday wish, a court date and a cruise line wreck! Please tell a (hundred) friend(s) and don’t forget to rate us in iTunes! Visit our Facebook page to see the links we talk about in the show…. and now, without further a-do… Hey Douchebag! (Radio) Show #25 – […]

Hello Interwebians! We’re rocking 2012 with a birthday wish, a court date and a cruise line wreck! Please tell a (hundred) friend(s) and don’t forget to rate us in iTunes! Visit our Facebook page to see the links we talk about in the show…. and now, without further a-do…

Hey Douchebag! (Radio) Show #25 – Happy 29 Plus One


(657) 33-DBAGS

[email protected]
