Key Insights:

Brad DeLong: “I have one key insight: everyone should subscribe to Foreign Affairs and read Dan Wang’s forthcoming piece…”

Noah Smith: “There are no good models in history for what China is doing…”

Dan Wang: “There are lots of questions about industrial policy that it is very difficult to answer…”

And as always, the last key insight is: Hexapodia!


Ian Cutress: TSMC: We have 50% of All EUV Installations, 60% Wafer Capacity <>

Ian Cutress: Intel’s x86 Designs No Longer Limited to Intel on Intel: IP Blocks for Foundry, Cores on TSMC <>

Ian Cutress: US Charges Huawei for Technology Theft & Violating Sanctions, China Rebukes "Unreasonable Crackdown" <>

Henry Farrell & Abraham Newman: Weaponized Globalization: Huawei & the Emerging Battle over 5G Networks

Henry Farrell & Abraham Newman: Weaponized Interdependence: How Global Economic Networks Shape Coercion & Surveillance <>

Andrei Frumusanu: Intel 3rd Gen Xeon Scalable (Ice Lake SP) Review: Generationally Big, Competitively Small <>

Andrei Frumusanu: Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14 <>

Andrei Frumusanu: The 2020 Mac Mini Unleashed: Putting Apple Silicon M1 to the Test <>

Andrei Frumusanu: TSMC Confirms Halt to Huawei Shipments In September <>

Barry Naughton: Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978-1993 <>

Barry Naughton: The Rise of China's Industrial Policy, 1978 To 2020 <>

Yingyi Qian: How Reform Worked in China: The Transition from Plan to Market <>

Anton Shilov: ASML Ramps Up EUV Scanners Production: 35 in 2020, Up to 50 in 2021 <>

Dan Wang: 2020 Letter <>

&, of course:

Vernor Vinge: A Fire Upon the Deep <>

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