Key Insights:

* Today’s meaning of “neoliberalism” is the result of the collision of two different applications of the term—to Margaret Thatcher, and to the Washington Monthly…

* Intermediary institutions are very suspicious to liberalism, at least in its pure form…

* Liberalism has a bias toward atomizing solutions to social problems…

* YIMBY vs. NIMBY is the fundamental political debate in America today…

* Sometimes the answer will be command-and-control, sometimes the answer will be deregulation…

* Yuval Levin is good…

* Detach liberalism from centrism or moderation…

* Liberals are thinking about things that are important and visionary about productivity, and Biden is listening…

* Hexapodia!


* Sam Hammond: The Free-Market Welfare State: Preserving Dynamism in a Volatile World <>

* Brink Lindsey: The Center Can Hold: Public Policy for an Age of Extremes <>

* Brink Lindsey & Steve Teles: The Captured Economy: How the Powerful Enrich Themselves, Slow Down Growth, & Increase Inequality <>

* Niskanen Center: Faster Growth, Fairer Growth: Policies for a High Road, High Performance Economy <>

* Steve Teles, Samuel Hammond, & Daniel Takash: Cost Disease Socialism: How Subsidizing Costs While Restricting Supply Drives America’s Fiscal Imbalance <>

+, of course:

* Vernor Vinge: A Fire Upon the Deep <>

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