Key Insights:

* Yes, it is possible to talk about everything in an hour…

* We are not very far apart on what the Fed is doing and should be doing—there is only a 100 basis-point disagreement…

* Miles would be 100% right about the proper stance of monetary policy if he were in control of the Fed…

* Miles is not in control of the Fed…

* Thus Brad thinks that asymmetric risks strongly militate for pausing for six months, and then moving rapidly…

* Smart people need to think much more about how to increase love…

* Remember Robot Tarktil!

* Noah Smith’s mother is a good friend of “Murderbot” author Martha Wells…

* Hexapodia!!


* Robert Barsky, Christopher House, & Miles Kimball: Sticky-Price Models and Durable Goods <>

* Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson: The Narrow Corridor <>

* Mancur Olson: The Rise & Decline of Nations <>

* Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan <>

* John Locke: Second Treatise of Government <>

* Edward Bellamy: Looking Backward <>

* Robin Hanson: The Age of Em <>

* Ruchir Agarwal & Miles Kimball: The Future of Inflation”: in Finance & Development <>; IMF Podcasts <>

* Miles Kimball: Bibliographic Post on Negative Interest Rate Policy: "How and Why to Eliminate the Zero Lower Bound: A Reader’s Guide” <>

* Miles Kimball: How a Toolkit Lacking a Full Strength Negative Interest Rate Option Led to the Current Inflationary Surge <>;

* Miles Kimball: How Having Negative Interest Rate Policy in Its Toolkit Would Make the Fed Braver in Confronting Inflation with Needed Rate Hikes—A Tweetstorm” <>

* Miles Kimball: Brad DeLong Confirms that Not Having Negative Interest Rate Policy in the Monetary Policy Toolkit Makes People Afraid of Vigorous Rate Hikes to Control Inflation” <>;

* Miles Kimball: Serious silliness:

* Miles Kimball: On the Fed’s 3/4% hikes:

* Miles Kimball: ”Next Generation Monetary Policy” <>

* Miles Kimball: Tweetstorm of Favorite Passages from Noah Smith's Review of Brad DeLong's book Slouching Towards Utopia <>

* Miles Kimball: On the Age of Em <> <> <> <> <>

* Miles Kimball: On Consciousness <> <> <> <> <> <>

* Miles Kimball: The Decline of Drudgery and the Paradox of Hard Work <>

* Miles Kimball: The Potential of a National Well-Being Index <> <> <>

* Miles Kimball: My Experiences with Gary Becker <> <>

* Miles Kimball: Benjamin Franklin's Strategy to Make the US a Superpower Worked Once, Why Not Try It Again? <>

* Miles Kimball: Life Coaching <> <>

* Miles Kimball: Odious Wealth <>

* Miles Kimball: Oren Cass on the Value of Work <>

* Miles Kimball: Janet Yellen is Hardly a Dove—She Knows the US Economy Needs Some Unemployment <>

* Miles Kimball: How and Why to Expand the Nonprofit Sector: A Reader’s Guide <>

* Miles Kimball: On John Locke's Second Treatise <>

+, of course:

* Vernor Vinge: A Fire Upon the Deep <>

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