Key Insights:

Yes, Americans are now in a selfish defensive crouch, but just wait 8 years—if we get a high-pressure economy for those years…

We are finally getting back to normal politics, in which we slag each other because some claim we can afford to spend $3.5 and others that we can only afford to spend $1.5 trillion. And that is a very good sign…



Zach Carter: Why Are Moderates Trying to Blow Up Biden’s Centrist Economic Plan? <>

Jonathan Cohn: Why Manchin & Democratic Leaders Might Not Be Quite So Far Apart: <>

Todd Gitlin: Look What’s Inside The Bill, Please: the Details of the $3.5 Trillion Package <>

Robert Greenstein: Budget Rconciliation: Calling It a ‘$3.5 Trillion Spending Bill’ Isn’t Quite Right <>

Steven M. Teles, Samuel Hammond, & Daniel Takash: Cost-Disease Socialism <>

David Cay Johnston: How $3 a Day Can Buy America a Rich Future <>

Robert Kuttner: How the Budget Deal Could Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent <>

Adam Jentleson: ‘Sinema’s approval rating has tanked, going from net +13 to 0 since the beginning of the year. But surely someone will be along soon to explain how actually this is brilliant politics…

Jeet Heer: Dune Bugs

+, of course:

Vernor Vinge: A Fire Upon the Deep <>

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