Join us on tonight's share as we discuss the TriFactor, Mitochondrial Eve, Natural Reproductive Biology and much more with our Special Guest FleurBrun! Who is FleurBrun? FleurBrun is a Philanthropist Pantheist rooted from the French Antilles, reared in New York. I've had consistent paranormal experiences as well as contact from celestial and Galactic entities since youth. As a Wholistic practitioner who's linked nutrition to behavior and spiritual body, who advocates for Hueman and animals rights. She is a here as a Stewart to Mother Gaia, incarnated as an Elemental, to assist in her monumental Ascension. The Divine Feminine Energies have begun to sweep over the planet in preparation for Aquarius RiZing 9th Gate. Her goal is to expose hidden agendas, as well as disclose the Psyop cover-up of Melaninated/Carbon Galactic beings, that have been visiting us since the beginning of time. As many contactees step forward and share their experiences with Galactic/ interdimensional/inner terrestrial beings, we can now put the pieces of the puzzle together to disclose the hidden truths that lie just beneath the surface. Welcome to the New Paradigm, The Age Of Aquarius, the Age of Femininity and the Return of the Womb-Man. Tune in tonight for a thought-provoking discussion on HEREDITARY AND GENETICS! Tune in, call in, chat in, Skype in and let's talk!

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