Fire Fighter/Paramedic Justin Hester Deployment with Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW):

Fire Fighter/Paramedic Justin Hester has returned home safely from Australia where he was deployed for eight days by the non- profit organization Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW).

Fire Fighter/Paramedic Hester, along with five other firefighters, were successful in completing their deployment objectives. Those objectives included responding to medical emergencies, clearing dangerous trees and brush, and provide lifesaving resources to the wildlife affected by the fires. 
They were tasked with clearing debris from roadways so that families could return to their homes and begin the process of recovery. Additionally, they built shelters for injured and displaced kangaroos at Wild to Free Kangaroo Sanctuary near Mogo National Forest, so that they could be fed and treated for their injuries.

Not only is he a phenomenal Fire Fighter/Paramedic he is a great leader, father, and husband. 

He will be sharing information about the late Paul Walkers organization Reach Out WorldWide and Pasadena Emergency Response Team Training.