Avengers 4 Updates + A Mixed Bag of MCU and DCEU News

This week brought a lot of mini news items, so Eric and Adrienne dig into the best stories and give you some quick hits of things you might've missed...like this amazing Thanos/Queen mashup video you need to watch. Big items on the agenda include Joe Russo's Avengers 4 updates, Jeremy Irons Watchmen casting, Shazam! Reshoots and more. Sit back and relax, folks, because this is one chat you're not going to want to miss!

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More About HeroBlend

CinemaBlend's flagship video series HeroBlend is now a weekly podcast! In this hour-long extension of the Facebook Live show, Eric Eisenberg and Adrienne Jones bring you the latest news and analysis in the world of comic book movies and television. Eric, who was pretty much born to co-host this podcast, knows basically everything about comic books and comic book movies. Adrienne, who's lovable sass you may recognize from the Cord Cutter Podcast, brings a refreshing and relatable perspective.

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