Intrigued by the idea of AI writing your news and bots gaming the system?

This episode of The Idea Roastery explores the mind-bending
possibilities and potential pitfalls of a future internet dominated by
large language models (LLMs).

AI-generated articles: Will bots become the new journalists, churning out content at lightning speed? And who owns the copyright?
The rise of "spam 2.0": From fake comments to AI-generated influencers, how will we navigate the ever-more-sophisticated marketing tactics designed to capture our
The erosion of trust: In a world of indistinguishable human and AI-generated content, how can we verify what's real and avoid manipulation?
Walled gardens: a potential escape? Will we retreat to curated online communities to escape the overwhelming noise of the open internet?
The future of online relationships: Can genuine connections survive in a sea of AI-crafted personas?

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