We continue on the topic of longevity, this time we focus on human longevity. We talk about some of the types of illnesses we get as we age and some of the processes that can make life after 30 harder. We chat about some of the approaches we take and how we think about health, exercising and staying on track with exercise.


(0:00) Working hard at the gym. (2:44) Herman takes a big leap forward. (4:35) We kick things off and start talking about longevity in humans. (5:58) What does your penultimate decade look like? (8:45) Jason is in a small town in Barcelona with a load of old age homes. (11:55) Aerobic capacity, VO2 max measurements and working backwards and why marthons are bad ideas. (14:55) What exactly is aging from a genomic perspective? (18:05) The top down approach from a disease perspective. Top causes of death in South Africa. (19:35) How to approach health as a 30 year old and environmental stressors. (23:20) Where did we come from as a species? (26:35) What do we do now as a practice and how do we take a baseline? (31:35) What is the best exercise to do? (35:30) The third important thing about longevity. (36:35) Keeping busy as a way to keep going on and three ways to categorize how to approach health.