The 2022 Index of U.S. Military Strength is The Heritage Foundation’s eighth annual assessment of the United States Armed Forces’ ability to provide for the common defense. This year’s assessment reflects that progress has been made in building up America’s military forces in some areas, but a great deal of work remains and there are storm clouds on the horizon as President Biden’s 2022 defense budget request proposed to underfund a number of key capabilities. This year’s Index provides a fresh, authoritative assessment of the U.S. military and updates on major threats to U.S. interests and the ability of allies to contribute to common security interests, along with a new chapter on Cyber and brand-new scoring for the U.S. Space Force.  

This highly anticipated event will feature keynote remarks from Representative Mike Rogers, the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee. Representative Rogers is one of the leading voices in Congress for of a strong national defense, and brings a unique perspective on the challenges facing America’s military based on his experience in Congress.   

Join us for this special address followed by a presentation of the key takeaways from this year’s Index by Heritage’s Senior Research Fellow Dakota Wood.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.