Our system for electing the President—the Electoral College—was carefully crafted by the Framers and has worked successfully for over 200 years, protecting and nurturing our Republic. Unfortunately, it is currently under assault from two fronts: a constitutionally questionable National Popular Vote Movement, and now Congressional Democrats pushing a constitutional amendment. Every American should be concerned that the Electoral College is under siege by these efforts, which would radicalize the U.S. political system and marginalize the voices of smaller, less populated states. Our Founders masterfully crafted a system that balances popular sovereignty and state representation, while also encouraging broad coalition building, promoting legitimacy of election outcomes, fostering stability, and discouraging election fraud. We must preserve it. Join us for an address by Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), followed by a panel with two leading experts on the Electoral College who are on the front lines of this fight.

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