In part two, Associate Professors Andrew Kornberg and Carolyn Ellaway review the considerations for managing Fabry disease in Australia and provide practical guidance on diagnosis and treatment, including the steps required for screening and referring to specialist centres. Intended for healthcare professional audiences.

For more information about diagnostic testing, please visit

The Fabry association mentioned in this podcast is Fabry Australia. More information about this not-for-profit can be found at


The list of Fabry disease clinics in Australia can be found on the Fabry Australia website at and are listed below for convenience. Please note that patients from Tasmania are referred to Royal Melbourne Hospital, patients from Darwin are referred to Brisbane hospitals and patients from Alice Spring are referred to Royal Adelaide Hospital.


Royal Adelaide Hospital

Associate Professor Ian Chapman

Internal Medicine

Location: Royal Adelaide Hospital

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 8 8222 4162


Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (QLD)

Dr Charles Denaro

Internal Medicine & Aged Care

Location: Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital (QLD)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 7 3646 7678


Royal Melbourne Hospital (Vic & Tas)

Dr Kathy Nicholls


Location: Royal Melbourne Hospital

Address: Grattan St, Parkville, VIC, 3050

Phone: +61 3 9342 7143


Royal Perth Hospital (WA)

Dr Mark Thomas


Location: Royal Perth Hospital

Address: 197 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 89224 2550


Westmead Hospital

Dr Michel Tchan

Metabolic Clinic

Location: Westmead Hospital (NSW & ACT)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 2 9845 9780


Australian Paediatric Fabry Clinics

Royal Children's Hospital (Vic)

Dr Heidi Peters and Dr Joy Lee

Clinical Metabolic Services

Location: Royal Childrens Hospital (VIC)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 3 9345 6251


Women's and Children's Hospital (SA)

Dr Drago Bratkovic

Metabolic Clinic

Location: Women's and Children's Hospital, SA

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 8 8161 6726


Royal Children's Hospital (QLD)

Dr Jim McGill

Metabolic Medicine

Location: Royal Children's Hospital (QLD)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 7 3646 8111


King Edward Memorial Hospital (WA)

Associate Professor Nicholas Pachter

Genetic Services of Western Australia

Location: King Edward Memorial Hospital (WA)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 6458 1525


The Children's Hospital at Westmead (NSW)

Dr Carolyn Ellaway

Genetic Metabolic Disorders Services

Lysosomal Disorders Multidisciplinary Management Clinic

Location: The Children's Hospital at Westmead (NSW)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 2 9845 3654



Ellaway C. Transl Pediatr 2016;5(1):37–42.


The views and opinions expressed in the presentation are solely those of Associate Professor Carolyn Ellaway and Associate Professor Andrew Kornberg and should not be attributed to any organisation with which the presenter is employed or affiliated and are not necessarily the views of Sanofi Genzyme.


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