Pediatrician Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, who is with the humanitarian aid organization Doctors Without Borders, joins us to talk about the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Israel has agreed to have daily, 4-hour humanitarian pauses in fighting in areas of northern Gaza in order to allow civilians to move to safer areas in the south. William Booth, London bureau chief at The Washington Post, joins us. And, Ohio saw wins for abortion rights on election day. Progressive community organizers are reflecting on the role of Black voters, who they've been working to engage and register to vote. Prentiss Haney, co-executive director of the nonprofit Ohio Organizing Collaborative, and his colleague Pastor Lesley Jones join us. Then, November is the time to see some exciting space phenomena. Streaks of light from the Taurid and Leonid meteor showers will be visible this season and the Euclid space telescope is sending its first images from a million miles away. Kelly Beatty, senior editor at Sky and Telescope, joins us.