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Chris has dedicated his life to helping people relieve pain, reduce stress and access higher levels of wellbeing.

Over 30 years ago, Qigong, an ancient holistic health modality that combines traditional Chinese medicine with movement, breath and visualization, saved his life.

Chris’s belief in the healing powers of Qigong is rooted in first-hand experience. Growing up in a dysfunctional home, as a teenager he suffered a devastating back injury, which seemed like a tragedy at the time but turned out to be a blessing because that is what brought him to Qigong.

In a 10 year period, he went from not being able to walk to a martial-arts champion to a renowned healer.

Chris works with people who are ready to be empowered, reclaim their health and enjoy life free from chronic pain. Chris works will all types of people, from Special Olympic and professional athletes, to celebrities and everything in-between all looking for deeper meaning in their lives.


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***Here For The Truth hosted by Joel Rafidi and Yerasimos***

Intro and outro music: “Illusion” by Joel Rafidi

Intro voice-over: Namakula (