Ben Mitchell is an Australian singer-songwriter and freedom activist.

Ben has been writing and recording protest songs and freedom rally cries in response to the unprecedented tyranny and oppression sweeping the globe. Ben founded Free The Nation Music, a movement bringing together musicians and music fans who stand for freedom, who stand against discrimination based on medical history, and who refuse to perform or attend segregated shows.

In this episode we share a deep dialogue around topics such as the death of the music industry, the group-think mentality of mainstream musicians, what it means to be an individual, self-sabotage, healthy masculinity and to close out Ben gifts us an incredible performance of his original song “Free The Nation.”

Topics covered:

Music activism against segregation. The sc@mdemic’s effect on the music industry. Going along to get along. Self love and the artist’s journey. Free the Nation Music. The normalization of death. True human to human connection. Transhumanism and virtual events. The necessity of physical touch. The future for independent musicians.

Related links:

***Here For The Truth hosted by Joel Rafidi and Yerasimos


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