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Joel Brown is a Master Coach and Speaker and the founder of the #1 motivation website which has achieved over 332 million views worldwide over the last 12 years. He is also the host of the Addicted2Success podcast that has garnered more than 5 million downloads.

In addition, Joel has studied theology and human behavior for the last decade.

In this episode he joins us to discuss how imperative it is we take ownership of our lives, the difference between being religious and having a relationship with God and some of the disturbing finds about what is really going on with the mystery shot.

Part 1 (Public)

The inner whispers of wisdom. Coming back to who you were born to be. Ownership and what it takes to be a leader. Standing strong in your principles during these times. The impact of one’s disconnection from God. Prophecy, biblical history & the mark of the beast.

Part 2 (Patrons)

The dangers of the church & state alliance. Exploring the model of Christ. Russian roulette and the mystery shot. Heavy metals and their impact on human health. Potential fallout in the future from the shot. Standing for truth vs playing is safe.

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