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Faust Checho is an Actor-Producer who spent the last 20 years in NYC working on the stage and screen. 10 years ago Faust began a healing journey which he continues to this day. Spending years searching out meditation techniques and studying under the tutelage of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Faust learned about the silent marriage of mysticism and science.

In this episode we discuss the Agent Smith epidemic amongst those who refuse to question their programmed accepted narratives.

We discuss processes of developing emotional vulnerability, the effects of current mandates on the acting community and being red-pilled in New York City.

Part 1 (Public)

Questioning the dominant paradigm. The “Agent Smith” effect. The impact of mandates on the acting community. Will the people stop complying? “Conspiracy theorists” as prognosticators. Connecting to your vulnerability.

Part 2 (Members)

Reprogramming and the subconscious. 24/7 fear propaganda. Interacting with closed minds. Bread and circuses used as leverage. Severe early childhood trauma affecting development. Meditation and the innate power of the body.

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