We're helping you move "From Fuzzy to Focused" by discussing how a clear vision is essential in business.

In this episode, we delve into the importance of having a clear vision for your business and your life.

We tackle the often complex issue of aligning your personal desires with your business goals and provide practical tips and tools to help you uncover, clarify, and articulate your vision.

Listen to Hear:

-> How your business vision guides your marketing activities and the clients you work with.

-> Why your vision is the driving force behind your daily actions and why not having a clear vision could leave you unsatisfied or even lost in your business.

-> Why a world-changing vision might be the wrong choice for you, and how to arrive at a place where your vision is ideal for you.

-> Simple exercises and prompts for removing the fuzziness and finding the focus.

-> Exploring what truly brings you joy in your work to leverage your unique skills, talents, and expertise and to make a positive impact.

-> The Power of Visualization and Defining Your "Why"

-> Where to find inspiration for a clearer vision that compels you to take action towards your dream business.

"When you’re working on something you care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."

- Steve Jobs

Mentioned in This Episode:

-> HerBusiness Network

-> Business Growth Summit for Women Entrepreneurs