We've all experienced it: the pressure of responsibilities, looming deadlines, and tough decisions. It can feel like a precarious tower of Jenga blocks, one wrong move, and everything collapses.

In this episode of the HerBusiness podcast we're delving deep into a topic that affects us all: those overwhelming moments when it feels like we're 'losing it.'

We'll explore why “sanity breakdowns” occur and how they might actually be stepping stones towards success.

Listen to hear:

-> Understanding the triggers of sanity breakdowns

-> The importance of reconnecting with our vision during overwhelming times

-> Strategies to manage stress and balance work-life commitments

-> Recognising and seeking support when needed

-> Embracing “sanity breakdowns” as opportunities for growth and realignment

"The key to realising a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning." — Oprah Winfrey

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