Whether you’re having a hard year, a “stuck-in-the-rut” year or a BUMPER year, there’s ONE thing EVERY woman in business needs to SUCCEED…

And it’s NOT about your branding, your website, working more hours or finding some shiny new marketing strategy.

In fact, it’s NOT about ANY one specific tactic or strategy!

After more than 28 years growing MULTIPLE 6, 7 & 8 figure businesses (and helping more than 35,000 other women in business grow THEIR businesses), here’s what I know to be true…

You Need to BE INSPIRED.

In this episode, we explore the power of inspiration in my business and how it can lead to clarity, confidence, and action.

Drawing on my experience of growing multiple 6, 7, and 8-figure businesses and helping over 35,000 women grow their businesses, I share insights, stories, and strategies to help me tap into my inspiration and become more successful.

And I’m not talking about “light and fluffy” inspiration that evaporates faster than you can say “Hallmark Card”.

I’m talking GRITTY, real, keep-you-going-through-the-tough-times inspiration.

The inspiration that helps you become more profitable by getting paid what you’re worth (and stops you from over-delivering and over-compensating!).

The inspiration that removes the self-doubt and helps you play a bigger game without the stress and second-guessing.

The inspiration that makes you irresistible to your perfect customers and opens new doors of possibility as you grow your audience and impact.

That kind of spirited strength that doesn’t need to shove you out of your comfort zone because it’s magnetically drawing you TOWARDS where you need to go.

The “animated force” that cuts through the confusion and helps you instantly get out of your head and into clarity and action.

And when you can tap into that inspiration, you become unstoppable, no matter what the challenge.

Real-Life Examples of Inspired Action

I also share three stories of women who have been inspired to take action and achieve success in their businesses.

These stories include:

Bernadette Janson of She Renovates, who generated $50,000 in just 5 days by implementing a new strategy she learned at a HerBusiness event.

Joanna Anderson, a roofing business owner, who was inspired by a HerBusiness guest speaker to create a recurring revenue stream for her business.

Nadia Omair, an award-winning working mum, who was inspired by the women in the HerBusiness community to grow her business and become an inspiring figure for others.

Mentioned in This Episode:

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