This episode is about “Owning More Space”, which is about expanding into a more significant expression of yourself and your business in all possible ways.

When you own more space, you can charge more for your products or services, become more visible in your marketing, and demonstrate your power and authority without friction - you are simply occupying and owning space that is there, waiting for you to step right into it.

Maybe for you, “owning more space” means charging more for your products or services, becoming more visible in your marketing, or getting a little more audacious in your messaging.

There are many ways to own more space, and Michelle Falzon joins me in this episode for this exciting conversation.

We share some practical tips on how to be bigger - and own more space in the places that matter to you.

Listen to hear: 

-> Unconscious beliefs can cause us to shrink back from opportunities.

-> The difference between "OWNING more space" and "TAKING more space".

-> The conscious step I took to own more space deliberately.

-> The revealing questions you can ask yourself to see where you might be holding yourself back.

-> Tips on one of the most significant wasted opportunities on most sales pages — A place where YOU can own more space with your marketing messages

Mentioned in This Episode:

-> The Content Sells Podcast

-> The Marketing Success Mastermind

-> The REACH Retreat

-> Katy Abbott - The Artist Mentor

-> Liz Van Vliet, My EA Career

-> Karina Pellicone, Plum Petal