Have you ever set a big goal that scared you? One that you KNEW you’d have to put a lot of time, effort and sweat into? One that you didn’t know you’d succeed with?

When he set himself the goal to climb the height of Everest on an organised hike, my guest didn’t know the enormous impact that it would have on him emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.

In this episode, I interview Peter Johnston (PJ), a popular business mentor, successful real estate investor and entrepreneur. PJ is also the Head Mentor and a Director at HerBusiness.


Listen to Hear:

-> How long-term planning (and a robust plan) sets you up for a better chance of success

-> The mindset shift that we need to make before we move outside of our comfort zone and towards those bigger goals

-> How to fit big goals into an already-full schedule

-> The role that coaches and your peers play in ensuring you get OVER the finish line and not stop short

-> How ritual and community build raving fans

-> What to do when best-laid plans start to go wrong


Mentioned in This Episode:


