Your hidden genius is inside you, waiting to be coaxed out.

At first, your hidden genius shows up as a little wisp that floats across your head. You might have dismissed it. Maybe you thought it wasn’t clear enough to be taken seriously.

But you can move forward with just the wisp. You think, “I’m going to follow that wisp”, and see what happens next.

You’re more than you’re allowing yourself to be

In this HerBusiness podcast interview with Victoria Labalme, you’ll learn how to highlight the awesomeness that will draw people to you.

You should be asking “What lights me up?” and then "How can I put this out into the world in service of others?"

That’s a transformative question to ask.

Because when you inspect all those things that light you up, you’ll find a common thread between them.

And that thread, which Victoria calls the ‘Throughline’, helps you create an experience that stops time for people.

Listen to discover:

What are YOUR unique value proposition and your hidden genius? The importance of recognising the ‘through line’ that keeps trying to get your attention Why you already have all the tools you need to stop doing it like everyone else What it means to brand with your passion, and do what lights you up How not to fall into the ‘compare and despair’ trap “Just because you have an offer, doesn’t mean you have to take it” and other gems Why Victoria thinks decisiveness is overrated How to turn daily communication moments into a work of art Reaching INSIDE to find your OUTER path