Hi everyone!! These are difficult times for all of us and we hope you are doing as well as possible. Please please please stay inside and follow the social distancing recommendations so we can all return to some level of normalcy as soon as possible. This is for all of our wellbeing.

That being said, we hope this episode can bring you some joy and maybe even a bit of a distraction from all the craziness. We do have a little coronavirus chat yet again, but we also discuss:
- Our WFH tips and what we hope to implement into our routine to help us be as productive as possible
- The Bachelor Finale and why it's in the running for worst finale of all time and why we are so glad Barb is not our mom
- Why saying "like" so often is not our fault
- Harvey Weinstein is going to jail for not enough time
- Why female athletes deserve so much better

The true heroes and sheroes of the week/month/year are all of the healthcare professionals who are continuing to keep us all healthy and safe. Thank you for all you do!

Again, please continue to take this seriously so we may save as many lives as possible and move on from this as soon as possible.

Reach out to us if you need someone to talk to during this time of isolation. We also need the contact and love so we're really all benefiting from this:
instagram - @hertakepodcast
twitter - @hertakepod

Take care of yourselves!! Be kind to yourself and others!! Radiate as much love and positivity as you can conjure up!! Talk to you next week, xo