Today's guest is Hagar Lipa, Director of The Lynden Group. Hagar is an Accountant who has a passion for women to understand their finances and then grow them to achieve financial independence.   She is also a SMSF Specialist and has helped many women to understand the pros and cons of setting up a SMSF. This obviously needs careful consideration and professional advice because it's not for everyone!   Hagar tells her story of arriving in Australia from Israel 16 years ago with very little money but has since built a healthy property portfolio while running a fast paced business and a family! Hagar is one of those women who just "gets things done!" and she shares some absolute gems with us on how she helps women to overcome their fear of investing.   You can connect with Hagar Lipa here: [email protected] You can connect with Julie Crockett here; [email protected]   If you would like more resources on Property Investing including Courses head to   This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.