In this episode, we're learning how to push past our limits and achieve our goals. Calene Glousher is a certified lash tech, lash extension educator, professional makeup artist and certified nail technician. She values networking with people of all different backgrounds and building a connection with her clients.

In 2019, she was working at a salon that was negative and super draining. Calene was still passionate about the beauty industry so she quit but was determined to create her own space that was open, accepting, and actually fun for people to be and work in. Within two weeks of quitting, her own business was up and running.

4 months in, the dreaded COVID-19 hit and she was forced to shut down. After lockdown, Calene was able to fully fill her schedule in addition to bringing on her first employee. Now Calene pays her first employee almost 4x the amount that Calene made while working at the old salon.

Today, Calene Ashlee Artistry serves over 150 clients a month and is consistently booked 2-3 months out. Calene won the 2020 London Community Choice Awards for Best Nail Salon and Best Manicure within the entire city! Calene strives every day to make sure that her salon is a space where anyone and everyone can feel welcome and comfortable. She tries to practice gratitude often and preach the law of attraction to my employee and clients daily.

In this episode, Calene highlights her thoughts on receiving professional certifications within the beauty industry and her tips on how to gain meaningful and useful knowledge. How she manages to stay positive during the unpredictable times of COVID and her advice on how to organize, manage and understand your business’ financials.