Previous Episode: What About Your Friends Tho?
Next Episode: What's Cooking Tho?

After watching the new Taraji Henson movie "What Men Want", I decided to seek those answers for myself and my listeners. I invited 4 brilliant men with 4 dynamic backgrounds so that we have a variety of answers on "What Men Want Tho". One man is married, another is in an "it's complicated" situation with the mother of his child, I have a guy who was married, divorced and now living in this new world of being single with children, I also have a single guy with no kids. These men are real and the discussion we had was by far very informative for us all, women and other men. I was so inspired by this conversation that I've decided to have "His Crown Tho" once a month to gave men a chance to speak on behalf of themselves and the various issues they have with understanding women. Check out our 'Live" video of this episode on YouTube, FB & IG TV!