A new phase begins on Kamen Rider (1971)…and the show almost crashes and burns. Nathan and Travis discuss the transitional two-part episode of the series that switches from Hongo to Hayato and from horror lite to “friendly neighborhood Kamen Rider” territory. Sadly, Nathan cringes at the Rider Girls (aka “Tobei’s Angels”), among other things, while Travis explains that the show does get better from here (which is good because they still have 80-plus episodes to go!). Our kaijin-of-the-week is Cactogron (or “Sabategron,” if Shout!FactoryTV and Tubi are to be believed), the prickly leader of the Mexican Shocker branch. In true Mega Man boss style, he has a cactus club and exploding cactus balls that are awkwardly placed on his body (but not where you think they are, you perv!). Welcome to the new Kamen Rider; same as the old Kamen Rider, but with decidedly more cheese.

Kamen Rider (1971) is available to stream on Shout!Factory TV and Tubi. Watch there to follow along with us!